Friday, February 10, 2012

Too Cool for School

I always think the best part of parenting is watching Brent grow into his own little person.  As a baby, children are told "smile at mommy!", "roll over!", "walk this way!"...then as toddlers they are told, "stay here", "dance!", "say bye bye!"...but as they grow out of the toddler stage, a parent begins to see more things that the child chooses to do on his or her own free will.

Sometimes they are mannerisms learned from us, or a playmate; but the best always seem to come from who-knows-where!  Brent's most popular "action" that we have NO idea where it came from is to take the back of his hand and swipe it across his forehead - either when he has carried something heavy or when he almost messes up (ie. spilling his snack).  Neither Matt nor I do this and I have yet to find someone - or a show he watches that does.  So did he come up with this well-know behavior on his own?  Every time he does it, it's like watching a short episode of Looney Tunes.

Today, I took him to school and as he was getting out of the car, he snatched up his sunglasses.  The sky was completely cloudy.  I asked him to leave his glasses in the car, which he was not going to do.  We agreed that he could wear them to the door then would need to take them off and hand them over.  He did just that...after basking in the comments from all of the passing parents and teachers about how cool he was.  It was obvious that was exactly his purpose.

Where does he come up with this stuff?  I love it.


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