Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"I 'iss Yaya"

Today was an eventful today...probably because I haven't felt like I had anything to write about I jotted down all the cute things and will share them for future writer's-block days! If I shared them all on this one entry, it would be a book!

This morning Brent woke up with another fever so we headed for the doctor.  I (again) promised him ice cream if he was on his best behavior and prepared him for everything that would happen at the doctor...standing on the scale, having his temperature taken, listening to his lungs, looking at his throat and ears...I was certain it was just another ear infection...perhaps the same one that never went away completely!

So, we get to the doctor's office and the nurse tells him to stand on the scale.  He does it perfectly, without hesitation...or so I thought.  The nurse tells him to put his hands down to his sides because he is holding on to the pole of the scale....SERIOUSLY?!  Have they not dealt with three-year olds before?  Aren't they just happy he's ON the damn thing?

So then we go into the exam room - normal stuff...until the nurse says they want to test him for strep and flu.  What?  As she says this, my child is spinning in circles and laughing...pretty sure he doesn't have the flu!  I lose the argument about the test - despite repeating the fact that we were just in here several weeks ago with the same symptoms (fever only and restlessness) and it was just an ear infection then.  So she sticks a q-tip up his nose and scrapes the back of his throat.  Nope, didn't prep the poor kid for that stuff.  He still did well though!  I did hear, "I 'iss Yaya" (I miss Dada) several times...

So then the doctor comes in and checks him over- confirms that it is an ear infection.  Nurse comes in and says tests are negative.  Great, so that's why my health insurance is so high...because doctors charge them whatever they want.  Can I please have my deductible back for doing your job?

We dropped off the prescription at the pharmacy - when the pharmacist asked for the patient's birthday I said, "'09."  She looked at me as if no one has ever said this before!  "You mean 2009?" she asked.  Sigh.  Nah,'s your sign.  (Thank you, Jeff Foxworthy...)

Insert ice cream from McDonald's here and happy boy.

After nap, Brent woke up coughing and obviously not feeling well.  We went outside for a bit and he was really enjoying himself until he did a sliding face-plant on the driveway.  We had already discussed how Dad was going to be gone until after bedtime and he immediately wailed, "'o 'ee Yaya!"  After having him repeat it a few times, I figured out, "Go see Dada"...okay....I called Matt at work and we were able to go see him...the best band-aid that boy could have gotten.  He loves his Dad, I like to think more than most other kids I know.  As a stay-at-home Mom, I have to remind myself that it isn't necessarily a reflection of my own parenting skills, but how great of a relationship Matt has created with our son.  Every boy should have a Daddy like that!


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