Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"I 'isbee?"

This morning while I was working around the house, I heard Brent open the door to the garage.  He knows he shouldn't go out there without permission, so I had to go see what was up.  He met me at the door, "I 'isbee?"  I had no idea what he was I asked him to show me.  He took my hand, led me into the garage and did his Vanna White impression towards a large red bucket we use as toy storage.  Even then, it took several minutes of me trying to figure out what he was saying...we couldn't play outside, it was almost time for school.  Did he want to put something in there?  Bring something inside?  Finally, I understood he was saying "My frisbee."  I told him the frisbee couldn't come inside.  He finally collapsed in a fit of frustration on the floor of the garage.  After I explained to him I didn't understand what he was trying to say about his frisbee, he stood up and dramatically said, "I 'isbee ALL 'ONE" (My frisbee all gone).  I searched the bucket, and sure enough, he was right.  Odd.  We always put toys away!  I told him we would find it later.

On the way to school, he told me to " 'all Yaya, I 'isbee all 'one!" (Call Dada, my frisbee all gone!).  So we called Matt.  Then the moment he got in the car from school, he was telling me, "I 'isbee not at I 'ouse, no" (My frisbee not at my house, no.)  We got home, and Matt was there for lunch.  Once again, Brent tells him about the missing frisbee.  Seriously?  Why is this such a big deal?  And why did he notice it was missing this morning?!?!  It's not like we were playing outside and he realized it!

So Brent wakes up from nap, sad that his frisbee is missing and starts crying about his missing frisbee again when Dad calls to say he's on his way home.  Matt makes the comment we'll go after dinner and let him pick one out.  Sounds great!  Brent was excited again.  (Why didn't I think of this earlier?)

We ate dinner - Brent even had seconds - then grabbed our things to head out the door.  I really don't see how this frisbee could have gone missing, so I spend a moment digging around as I walk by the bucket.  I discover it stuck between the wall and bucket.  When I pulled it out, the look on Brent's face was priceless!  You would have think I had discovered gold.  "Oooh, I 'isbee, Yeah!!!"  Silly kid.

Oh, to be three and your worst day consist of having lost a frisbee.


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