Friday, February 24, 2012

" 'anks, Mama"

Despite all of the tantrums, this might be my favorite least it is so far.  Seeing Brent learn and grow is so rewarding.  His newest words consist of " 'anks" (Thanks) and " 'ess you" (Bless you).  His " 'anks, Mama" comes out almost for everything- I give him juice, water, get him dressed, fix his toy, hand him something, give him crayons, etc.  He looks at me with those long lashes and says, " 'anks, Mama"...  he doesn't know it, but I would give him almost anything he wanted for that!  I am not sure if it is because he says it so, so sweetly and genuinely, or because I have wanted him to start using words for so long; but either way, I cherish each " 'anks, Mama".

Monday, I sneezed and he was sitting at the table eating.  He looked up from his show, laughed, mimicked me, then said, " 'ess you, Mama" then continued eating.  I was amused.  Tuesday night, he was in the shower and Matt sneezed.  He didn't mimic him (ie. make fun of him) but he did give him a sweet, " 'ess you, Yaya".  Why do I have to be outnumbered?

So, Tuesday morning Brent got up really early and apparently, Matt gave him breakfast and told him not to wake me up because they would both get in trouble.  I woke up at 7:15...7:15!  I hadn't even bothered to set an alarm because Brent hasn't been sleeping past 6:30 lately, anyway.  I thought it was so sweet he actually let me sleep!  Then, Tuesday night I must have had some type of 24-hour bug, because I got nauseous, and stayed that way until Wednesday night.  Brent let me stay in bed for the most part - except when he really needed something like food, diaper change, etc. and played by himself.  I might have the best 3-year old ever.  Now, I just need to remember that when he is laying on the floor throwing a tantrum...


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