Monday, February 27, 2012

Boys and Bugs

Saturday, we went to see Matt's grandma for her birthday.  I gave Brent a bag and told him to pack things he wanted to take.  While I was getting dressed, he brought three cars - "these cars, Mama, yes?"  He asked enthusiastically, nodding his head.  I agreed and he disappeared.  A few moments later, he returned with a ball and we had the same conversation.  Next, he brought his blanket.  Instead of asking about bringing it, he stated matter-of-factly, "this mine, Mama, Yes!"  I reassured him that his blanket was welcome.  Then I didn't hear back from him, but Matt came in and started emptying the bag.  Cars (check), two balls (check), blanket (check), two dog toys...and every pair of socks the boy owns.  Wait, what?!  First we explained it was very kind of him to think about Duke, but he would be staying at home.  Brent was not happy about that.  He felt the need to explain to the dog that he would be staying at home: "Owf, you 'ay 'ouse with E.e. and owfs.  I 'ouse 'ight, yes!" (Duke, you stay at the house with E.e *turtle* and the other dogs.  I will come back the house tonight, yes!)  Then of course, we had to argue that we were only going for the day and he didn't need all of those socks!  For a kid that takes off his socks while he's at home so he can run fast, I cannot imagine why he felt the need to pack all of those socks!

Today, we were in the car and Brent was pretending to eat by making chomping noises.  He proceeded to excitedly tell me, "I eat 'un zee, Mama!" (I eat one bug, Mama!)  Then he said, "I eat 'oo zees, Mama!"  At this point, I decided to play along and said, "What?!  You ate TWO bugs?  YUUUCCKY!!"  He just laughed, chomped some more, and told me he was up to " 'ree zees".  He went all the way to ten (skipping seven) and was so tickled at himself by the end he could hardly breathe.  Boys are so weird!  And no, we don't know why he calls bugs "zees."


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