Monday, February 13, 2012

Potty Chronicles, Pt. II

A week ago, I took Brent to the doctor for an ear infection.  The doctor prescribed omnicef.  Five days later, the poor child's butt was practically raw from a er...certain side effect of the medicine.  Today, I decided he couldn't take three more days because it was getting progressively worse.  So, I called the doctor and got another prescription.

However, there may possibly (hopefully?) be a silver lining.  Brent decided his butt was so sore that he went and got his big boy underwear.  The look of desperation in his face is etched in my mind as he pleaded, "'ease, Mama!" ("Please, Mama!")  I put the underwear on and proceeded to put a pull up over it, which he strongly disagreed with - and has not done so before.  I decided okay, we'll give it a try.  He stayed dry for two hours!!!  At nap time, I did insist on a pull-up, but he woke up dry- yes!  We headed to wal-mart...I am just not brave enough for accidents that could happen in the car or mid-store, so Brent was suited in a pull-up over underwear.

However, when we got home, he absolutely refused to use the potty.  Screamed bloody murder.  I finally forced him - and discovered a wet pull up and underwear.  He insisted on wearing just underwear again.  I thought, "Okay, maybe this is what it's going to take."  Then, for the first time in underwear only, he peed himself.  Distraught is an understatement.  He was doing an awkward don't want my legs to touch/wish I could get my feet off the ground/this feels so gross type of dance and screamed all the way to the bathroom.  Then, he asked for a book- and did an eensy, teensy, weensy little poop!


On a side note, the book he was "reading" on the potty had a picture of Christmas stockings - he proceeded to tell me in his 'Brent-a-nese" how Santa comes down the chimney, eats cookies, leaves choo choo's, balls, and E.e's (turtle) then goes back up high and says ho ho...I was ROLLING.  I wish I had it on camera.

He insisted on wearing underwear to bed.  I doubled up his waterproof mat and sheet in case I needed to change it tonight.  Maybe this is it...*fingers crossed*  Even if he doesn't make it through the night, he is trying really hard to make the effort.  Goodness, if the secret all along was to let him pee on himself, I am going to throw something.


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