Friday, January 27, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Today was rather uneventful...or at least nothing stands out as super-exciting or cute.  So I started thinking about what I could possibly write about - since I told myself I WILL write Monday through Thursday.

There have been several occasions since I started writing that I wish I had made my blog private...but I have mixed feelings on this.  Part of the reason for the blog is to share Brent's funny antics.  However, I would also like to vent and know that I can say things/share stories/give my opinion without worrying that those who know me may be upset, offended, or judge me.  I think I will still sensor a little, but I guess I'll just jump right in (insert reader discretion here)...

Lately I've been wondering at what age you stop being "naked" around your child.  Right now, there is no option.  I can't lock the door when I need a shower.  If I think I have escaped for two minutes to use the bathroom, I am found.  Yesterday, I was trying to get out of the shower and Brent leaned on the door with all his strength to try and keep me in.  The only reason I was able to get out was because he was laughing so hard he couldn't stand up.  (He is just like his father!!!!)  No, I don't seen an end to this "nakedness" anytime soon.

I will never, ever, forget the day Brent walked in on me just finishing the job of, ahem, replacing a tampon.  The look on his face was total shock, confusion, and fact, probably a lot like what a grown man would look like as well.  "Mama, owie?!" he asked, his voice raising an octave with each syllable.  "Uhhh...yep, Mama's got an owie and that's a special band-aid!"  He turned around and left it at that.  Thank God.  Except now, when he walks in and I am mid-pee, he purposely checks for my "special band-aid" and if it is not present proclaims, "Yay!  Mama, no owies!"  I am really dreading taking this kid out in public when he starts talking so other people understand him...

On another note, I have over 400 views, holy cow!  Maybe I should look into that "get paid when someone goes to your blog" gig...


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