Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Owf, NO!!"

 Today was another great day.  We went to Toys R Us and Brent walked through the entire store by my side.  I only had to ask him to put something back twice - and he actually did...without throwing a tantrum!  Another good day..."three" is still being good to me!!

Matt and I always joked that Brent's first words would be "no, Duke."  Luckily, they weren't, but he has definitely made up for it.  The poor dog hears it so much between the three of us I don't think he has any self-esteem left.  Brent doesn't exactly say "no, Duke" but he calls him "owf" (it started out oof like woof, but somehow morphed into OWf.) 

So, this morning, I fed Brent breakfast...he was adamant about sitting on the couch and not at the table, so I told him no toast or cereal.  He chose pancakes (the mini frozen kind) except he prefers to eat them frozen...and plain.  Stop judging.  They don't get any healthier when I throw them in the microwave for 30 seconds and add syrup!  Then I fed the dog.  While I was in the kitchen, I noticed Brent was wandering aimlessly in the living room and it immediately occurred to me he was looking for his pancakes.  I had just fed the dog.

Brent is going through a phase where he likes to watch the dog eat...and sometimes eat like the dog.  "Brent, did you put your pancakes by Duke's food?"  His facial expression was that of recollection and he took off running.  From my bedroom I hear in a voice full of devastation, "OWF, NOOOOOO!!!!!" as I go racing to the room, the dog comes trotting out, half a frozen pancake hanging from his mouth.  The kid is right behind him, ready to pounce and retrieve what's left.  "Brent, did Duke eat your pancake?" I asked.  "Yes!  NO OWF!  My 'cake!"  It was like separating a fight.  I had to hold Brent back.  He was ready to let the dog have it.  I explained that he was the one that left them on the floor, and if it's on the floor, it belongs to the dog.  Brent stuck out his bottom lip and turned from me, heartbroken to have lost a pancake.  As he walked by the dog, he pointed his finger and gave one more "NO OWF" to make sure the dog knew just how upset he was.  The dog looked at me to make sure I wasn't going to punish him then was pleased he got away with a pancake.

When I shared this story with a friend today, she told me I should have given Brent another pancake.  I disagree.  It's only one pancake, he won't starve, and by providing another I lose the opportunity for a life lesson - a teachable moment - a consequence.  Next time he might remember food does not belong on the floor.  As a mother, it saves me the breath of having to repeat, "don't leave your food on the floor."  I am not having to enforce it - he's learning from his actions!  Mama won't always be there to make things better, nor do I need to be.


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