Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pajama Day

Today was pajama day at "school" (mom's day out).  This was Brent's first taste of pajama day and I was almost sure he was going to be the only child at school in normal clothing.  I had told my husband last night what pair of pajamas I wanted Brent to wear to school: the least worn, still fits in all the right places, cute Hugh Hefner style.  However, this morning, when I started to get Brent dressed, I explained to him that it was pajama day so he would get to wear pajamas to school!  (Insert enthusiastic yay! here).

Now, for those of you who don't know, Brent does not like change.  In fact, that is an understatement.  He has an expectation and opinion for everything that should, would, or could happen in his world.  So, you can only imagine the ball of hysteria he crumpled into upon learning this news.  Pajamas - to school?  What was this insanity I was forcing upon him?  He recovered fairly quickly and immediately began explaining to me why it was not sensible to wear pajamas to school: "no 'eep!" (no sleep) he wailed as he used his hands and head to make the sign for sleep.  "No, no, sleep!  You are just wearing pajamas to school because it is a fun, crazy day!"  I said.  The boy has a point, his entire life he has only worn pajamas to sleep.  Why would that change now?  I then decided to throw in the "big money" - I told him he could take his blanket.

His blanket has been his forever lovey.  As a baby, I tried stuffed animal after stuffed animal and he had no interest in any of them.  I had tried other blankets, he didn't care.  Then, all of a sudden, this was the blanket he had to have.  It went everywhere with him.  Luckily, he wasn't as clingy as some children so I did have the ability to wash it weekly.

Anyway, once he got comfortable at "school," I had told him the blanket had to stay home.  So I guess having the option to take it was a much more enticing offer to him than I had even imagined, because he yelled, "yay!" and ran to his drawer to choose his pajamas.

Did he choose the pair I wanted him to wear?  No.  But, the pair he chose were still new, and fit well.  Choose your battles, right?  So he got dressed in his pajamas, grabbed his blanket, and we were out the door for school.

We walked in and the first words his teacher says to him are, "Brent, good morning!  You look like you are ready for a nap in those pajamas!"  I am not exaggerating when I say everyone in the school...and possibly across the street heard him scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

I then explained to his teacher the discussion that had occurred at home.  She told Brent she was just kidding and there would be no naps.  So, the day went well.

I fear he will want to wear pajamas again tomorrow.


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