Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today was interesting from the moment I woke up.  I barely rolled out of bed, begging my husband to take the bean to "school."  He couldn't, he had a work meeting.  Yeah, yeah, I have tons of those (insert eye roll here).  I proceeded to spend twenty minutes debating whether I wanted to stay in bed and deal with whatever my toddler would dole out on me, or take the 20 minutes of misery to get him to school.  Yep, off to school we go!  I jumped in the shower as I overhead my husband telling Brent, "Mama doesn't feel well today, so you need to be nice, behave, and take care of yourself."  When I got out of the bathroom, my son was sitting at the table eating Cheez-its from the box.  Oh. my. gosh.  I am not judging those of you that do this in your household, but I do not, do not, do not get things out of a bag with hands.  We have bowls.  By inserting your hands into a full box/bag of food, you contaminate everything else in the container!  Blech!  Just my opinion.  I proceeded to text my husband and he made the point that at least he was at the table.  True that.  I couldn't get mad at the boy, he was doing exactly what Dad had told him - taking care of himself.  I figured it was already a lost cause and left him alone.  Would you believe he even wiped off his hands and mouth when he was done?  Proud Mommy moment, well, minus the Cheez-its for breakfast part!  Maybe I should tell him I am sick more often...

Tonight, since the hubby and I still weren't feeling well, we headed to Sonic.  Milk shakes make sore throats feel so much better!  When we left the house, Brent shared his protest so we asked if he wanted french fries - one of his favorite gourmet foods.  He was happy to hear this and settled in for the ride...until we passed the unmistakeable Golden Arches of McDonald's.  "No, no, noooooo... (fr)ies!!!!  M(c)D's (fr)ies!!!"  he screamed from the backseat while pointing erratically at the sign.  Our immediate laughter only made him angrier.  Once we were able to catch our breath, we explained we were getting fries from Sonic and they were just as good.  "Nooooo!" he wailed.  Can't really argue with the kid, McD's does have the best french fries!

I am just amused that:
  1. He recognizes the Golden Arches (does that mean we go too much?)
  2. Lately, my non-talker sure is spitting out some really good sentences when he is upset!
  3. He argued that McD's has better french fries than Sonic.


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