Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Beginning

When you first discover you are going to be a parent, advice starts rumbling in from every direction.  (Enjoy them, they grow up so fast! - Be consistent! - Don't spoil the baby! - Breastfeed! - Don't stress yourself about breastfeeding, formula is just as good! - Give plenty of tummy time! - Let them cry it out. - Don't let a baby cry too long!) Well, you get the idea. The advice doesn't slow down once they are born either...except that's when you realize that you really do need advice, it just doesn't all work! As a new mom, I turned to anyone that would tell me what worked for them. I read mounds of books, I surfed the internet, and I tried dozens of methods before one was successful. Out of all of the advice I have ever received - I will never forget the most important of all. After I had asked a list of questions, my son's first pediatrician said, "You need to stop reading all of those books. Those authors may have advice- and it may or may not work for you, but they did not have your child. Only you can know what is best for your child. Trust your motherly instincts." Bless that man. Even after three years, it feels like almost every day holds a new challenge, and each time I feel I am struggling, I repeat those words. I feel a little stronger and remind myself of my goal: to raise a child who is independent, compassionate, confident, patriotic, gives Thanks to God, and has the desire to learn. I am starting this blog to attempt to document my son's funny antics, how I handle them, and the things he teaches me along the way.


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