Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

Yesterday and today Brent was easily frustrated more than usual.  His train fell off the track, and he crumpled to the floor in a dramatic mess of cries and toddler-like curses at his "choo-choo."  His fork fell off the plate and he laid his head on the table as if it were gone forever.  You don't even want to hear about what happened when the dog refused to play with him!  Something was wrong in his world and he was feeling defeated in almost every aspect.  Finally, after a few moments of cuddling on the couch, I explained to him that it didn't help to behave that way, but he needed to tell Mama what was bothering him so I could help.  He pouted and fidgeted for a moment and then proceeded to tell me in his quasi-speech/sign-language that the "ain up high go 'way now me go out-ide 'ay!"  (Translation:  "Rain up high go away now so I can go outside to play!")  Did I mention it has been rainy and dreary for four days?!?

Let me also mention that a year ago my son's only words consisted of "more," "mama," "yaya" (dada), and "mo" (no).  The fact that he came up with a sentence like that to try and express his frustrations still has me impressed.  After that, I had to explain that I couldn't make the rain stop, but I definitely agreed with him that it would be nice if it did.  He argued with me for a few minutes, then I told him tomorrow should be better.  He gave me a big hug, then proceeded to get down on the floor and play cars.  Wow, it is an amazing thing to have someone believe that you can do anything.  It makes you want to be a better everything!


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