Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"My Cakes, Yeah!"

My baby is turning three tomorrow.  I can't believe it.  The time has flown by, yet it feels like ages ago that I held that little, calm bundle in my arms.  Having him sick reminds me that I won't get to hold him like this much longer.  He is already so long! 

Thankfully, he was feeling better today and was excited to head to "school" with cupcakes I had made for his class.  "My (c)akes, yeah!" he exclaimed as I loaded them into the car.  I explained to him all the way there that they were his cakes, but he would be sharing them with his friends at school.  "My (c)akes, yes!  (Th)ree!" he said enthusiastically while nodding his head, showing his understanding that they were his cakes because he is turning least, that's how I interpreted it. 

When he got home from school, his Dad was sick in our bedroom - something that very, very rarely happens.  To my surprise, he did not go running in, but insisted the dog stay out and didn't even go in to see his Dad until after dinner.  He played well and entertained himself literally all day long so I could clean and Dad could rest.  It amazes me how some days are so, so, so simple and other days it is like every little thing is a battle.  When I thanked him at bedtime for being such a good boy, he reminded me he is going to be three.  Please God, let this be what "3" is like everyday!  Yes, please!  (Just let me pretend until morning, okay?)

Other than the fact that he was on his best behavior today, I love the little moments when he randomly pulls on my heartstrings.  Tonight, while I was cooking dinner, "Country Girl (Shake it for me)" by Luke Bryan came on the radio and he grabbed my hand, insisting I go into the living room.  We occasionally get up and dance, but he has never encouraged me to dance with him.  Did I mention the fact this is my favorite song?  Love that boy and his almost 3-year old booty shakin' self!


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