Monday, March 12, 2012

"Ok" and " 'ats 'asty!"

So I took an entire week off from blogging - without meaning to.  Matt had shoulder surgery and I was/am exhausted.  I got quite a few naps in this weekend, but am still dragging.  Brent has been a total pain in the rear - I think it's because Dad is in a sling and hasn't been able to play + I really think Brent is worried about him and doesn't understand.

On Friday, Matt's Mom was here and we left to go get pizza.  Brent was told to let Daddy rest so his owie could get better.  When we walked in the door, Matt was standing there waiting for us and Brent dissolved into tears of frustration.  I had no idea what his issue was, but Matt's Mom figured out it was because he expected that if we let Daddy rest, his owie would be gone.  Oops.

Sunday, we were sitting at a Mexican restaurant and Brent tried the salsa, "Blech, 'asty!"  What?  He repeated it.  For your info, " 'asty" = "Nasty".... NICE.  There is suspicion he picked up the word while a diaper change was being done.  Today, he added, " 'ats 'asty" (That's nasty)...and other than "ok" it is his favorite new phrase!  It is rather amusing though...

He has also decided that kisses are meant to be made on the lips...and I don't mean a peck, I mean I feel like the kid is trying to make out with me.  Some of you may disagree, but I feel kisses should be done on the cheeks/forehead/nose/etc...just not the lips unless it is your significant other.  He started this after seeing Matt and I kiss upon his returning home from work last week.  It is very hard to explain to your three year old that only Mommy and Daddy kiss on the lips.  He keeps acting/getting his feelings hurt and I am not quite sure where to go from here...definitely not something you learn as a teacher!  Any advice would be appreciated.

After being so close (or so I thought) to being potty trained several weeks ago, Brent decided to go on a hiatus.  Part of it (or all?) was due to the fact he was sick and taking an antibiotic that had him using the bathroom quite often.  So, today, I had a DVD in the car we had received from a friend by Pull-ups called "The Potty Dance."  I kept forgetting to bring it in and really didn't think he would care about it.  This afternoon, he demanded that we watch it and I am pretty sure I have done the potty dance 15 times since 1pm.  It took me ten times before I finally got smart enough to say, "we aren't doing the potty dance anymore unless you actually use the potty!"  So, he's back to using the potty...but then we have to do this dance.  I found it pretty annoying at first, but I have to admit, it has grown on me.  Especially when he sings, " 'oo 'da 'otty 'ance!" (Do the Potty Dance!)....Toes, Waist, CELEBRATE!  Potty Dance video




The kissing is normal for boys and girls. After a while they see mommy and daddy kissing on the lips. But their whole life people pick them up and kiss them and put big emphasis on kissing their cheeks etc. It's totally normal. Little freaky when they first start it, but just explain big kisses for spouse... but babies can have lots of little kisses. Madelyn got a little upset but they get over it pretty quickly.

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