Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Face Paint & a Movie

Yesterday we went to a restaurant that was having kids' night.  They had free face painting and we thought we could give it a shot - Brent has never had it done and it was free, so if he started squirming, no harm done, right?

I start pointing to all of the "boy stuff" - footballs, baseballs, paw print, soccer, etc.  Brent points to the princess tiara...without hesitation, and states matter-of-factly, "this!"  Now, let me add that we had gone with our neighbors, and their 4-year old girl had just chosen that for herself.  So whether Brent was doing it out of camaraderie or his true love of tiara's, I am not sure.  Did I mention we went out last week and he picked a pink balloon?  Nothing wrong with it, Matt and I just find it amusing.  We don't really guide him towards anything in particular, and I have even tried to encourage him to play with dolls (with no luck)...but he now suddenly seems to have this strong opinion.  "I 'ike 'ink" (I like pink) he'll say.  Lately, he chooses the green man when we play CandyLand, but I am almost certain he is disappointed there is not a pink one.

I am totally okay with my child toting a pink balloon, but I must admit, getting a pink tiara on his cheek bothers me just a tad... NOT because he wants it, but because of what other people would think of me as a mother.  Don't judge.  So, we sat down and looked at all of the other things offered - first he decided a dog, then monster, a dinosaur, then finally, an alligator.  His MawMaw would be so proud - Go Gators!  Chomp, chomp!

So tonight it was time to wash the gator off.  Matt stuck him in the shower and Brent was fine...until a googly-eye (yes, the gator had googly eyes) hit the floor of the shower.  A blood-curdling, heart wrenching, absolutely devastated cry erupted from Brent.  He sobbed for at least 10 minutes, and Matt says he went to bed mad.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.  The kid tends to hold a grudge.

Today, Brent also saw his first "big" movie!  We went to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked.  He was SO well behaved I was amazed!  He really enjoyed it and ate 3/4 of a bag of popcorn by himself!  He made me smile - sitting there like a big boy, his eyes gleaming as he laughed at the humor.  Oh, how I wish I could hold on to these moments.


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